Dr Céire Broderick


Céire Broderick is a lecturer in Latin American Studies at University College Cork. She researches feminist cultural activists whose work contributes to the struggles against socio-historical and geopolitical challenges. Her monograph, Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Identities in Chile: Revisiting Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer (2021), explores traditional and contemporary concerns surrounding gender and ethnicity in Chile through a textual analysis of historical novels depicting seventeenth-century figure, Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer. Much of Céire’s work has focused on feminist readings of marginalisation in Chilean culture, but more recently her passion for cultural activism and the impetus to explore the learnings acquired through cross-cultural comparisons from decolonial feminist perspectives have motivated a focus on comparing experiences in Ireland and Latin America. ‘Insurgent bodies in cultural responses to reproductive justice in Chile and Ireland’, is an example of this process. In her academic-activist role she has led students and staff of UCC with Prof Nuala Finnegan to perform a flashmob as a response to gender-based violence. This developed from a performance originating in Chile and for the UCC performance, it was translated into 12 languages, including Irish and Irish Sign Language. Céire has embraced the cross-cultural exploration of social justice issues across Ireland and Latin America in her role as researcher on the CEAB project and as Co-PI on Trans/Actions: Translation as Activism.