Dr Cara Levey, member of the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies and convenor of the CASiLaC cluster on Memory, Conmemoration and Uses of the Past, was recently awarded UCC’s Early-Stage Researcher of the Year award, which recognizes her outstanding contribution to UCC’s research mission.
Dr Levey came to UCC as Lecturer in Latin American Studies in February 2013 after almost three years as Teaching Fellow in Latin American Studies at the University of Leeds. Her main research interests lie in Latin American human rights, memory and justice and the activism and cultural production related to these themes. She is particularly interested in the relationship between memorialisation and justice and the role of state and society in the construction and completion of “sites of memory” (including marches, memorials and museums).
More information about Dr Levey’s research is available on her UCC research profile.
Warmest congratulations from CASiLaC!