This cluster is a dedicated intellectual and creative space for critical reflection on the gendered construction of violence and conflict. It is attentive to cross-cultural thinking on the nature of violence and covers a range of time periods. Much work in the cluster is centered on the cultural politics of representational practices in a range of genres including writing, performance, testimonial archives and visual culture.
The cluster welcomes transdisciplinary interventions and approaches from a diverse set of perspectives including feminist theory and is particularly receptive to perspectives that challenge orthodox modes of thinking. The cluster meets monthly and alternates themed reading groups to public seminars given by cluster members or invited speakers.

Reading Group
The cluster meets regularly for themed reading groups. On 25 October 2023, Noreen Kane led a discussion on an article by East African feminist scholar and activist Jessica Horn: “Decolonising Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health in Development: African Feminist Innovations” (2020).

Seminars and Workshops
The cluster organises regular seminars and work-in-progress presentations. Among the most recent are the Day of the Dead Film Screening and Conversartion, the LASTESIS workshop, and the activities for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence.

Research Outputs
Recent Publications by our cluster convenors and members include Dr Caroline Williamson Sinalo’s Rwanda After Genocide , Prof Nuala Finnegan’s Cultural Representations of Feminicidio in the US-Mexico Border and Marina Betagglio, Nicoletta Mandolini and Silvia Ross (eds.) Rappresentare la violenza di genere.
‘The portrayal of gender abuse is often misused in order to justify discriminatory and even racist speech’Caroline Williamson Sinalo and Nicoletta Mandolini,