“Learning for Liberation”? – Opportunities and limits of using emancipatory pedagogical practices to reduce spatial distance between two civic institutions: Prisons and Universities”
“Learning for liberation”?: Opportunities and limits of using emancipatory pedagogical practices to reduce spatial distance between two civic institutions: Prisons and universities” Dr. James Cronin (Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning, UCC); Dr. Katharina Swirak (Department of Sociology and Criminology) Abstract This paper is based on our involvement in prison education through the Studio Classroom and the Inside-Out BA …
An Evening of Poetry, Sound, and Photography
UCC Library, the ‘Rethinking Spatial Humanities’ research cluster of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and Department of Music would like to invite you to an evening of poetry, sound, and photography. Thursday 6 June at 17:30 in UCC Boole Library University College Cork UCC Library is pleased to host the poets Yairen Jerez Columbié, Mary Noonan, and Martin Veiga, who, in response to …
Wandering in Visible Cities – Research Seminar by Dr Elio Baldi
Wandering in Visible Cities. Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities through Language and Image Research Seminar by Dr Elio Baldi (University of Amsterdam) 17 May 2024 15-16 Mary Ryan Room (ORB G.28) Co-organised by the DEPARTMENT OF ITALIAN The CASiLaC Research Cluster on Rethinking Spatial Humanities: Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities (1972) has been a source of inspiration for many writers, architects and artists in Italy and …
Redemption scripts: supporting artist-teachers to use SoTL to educate for desistance in the context of incarceration
Redemption scripts: supporting artist-teachers to use SoTL to educate for desistance in the context of incarceration” Dr. James Cronin, Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), UCC Abstract: This seminar addresses SoTL (scholarship of teaching and learning) through the visual arts to support desistance through a prison-university community partnership (2017-2024) between Cork prison and University College Cork. Learning partnerships …
In Focus: CYCLING / Bicycle Haiku Workshop and ‘Cycling Cities: The Cork Experience’
Rethinking Spatial Humanities Cluster-Theme 2023/2024: Mobilities / Immobilities In Focus: CYCLING Fionn Rogan (Environmental Research Institute): Bicycle Haiku Workshop Thursday, 23rd November, 12pm (ORB_Mary Ryan meeting room) What are the emotions, encounters, and sensory experiences of a commuting cyclist? This presentation will outline a personal project of the author: a series of 100 haiku poems composed while …
Charting Literary Urban Studies – Jens Martin Gurr Online Seminar + Reading Group
6th October, 12pm C_ORB_255_SR Reading Group: Palimpsests, Rhizomes, Nodes. Texts as Structural and Functional Urban Models (Jens Martin Gurr) (chapter 3 in https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-edit/10.4324/9781003111009/charting-literary-urban-studies-jens-martin-gurr ) 13th October, 11pm Online Seminar by Jens Martin Gurr: Charting Literary Urban Studies. Texts as Models of and for the City MS Teams Link: http://bit.ly/gurr-seminar
Decolonising Place through Anticolonial Feminist Activist Practice – Prof Karen Till
Decolonising Place through Anticolonial Feminist Activist Practice Prof Karen E. Till Maynooth University – Department of Geography 23 February 2023 1pm Room 1.24 (ORB) This talk advocates a geographical approach to decolonising the concept of place, and hence practices of placemaking, as part of feminist activist collaborative approaches to contribute to creating more just and healthy worlds. A starting …
Online Seminar – The Anthropocene and Poetry – Discussion with David Farrier
The Rethinking Spatial Humanities cluster and the Eco-Humanities research group, UCC, are delighted to welcome Professor David Farrier, Professor of Literature and the Environment at the University of Edinburgh, for an online discussion on the Anthropocene and poetry, Friday 2 December @ 10 am on Zoom. All welcome, registration here. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/online-seminar-the-anthropocene-and-poetry-discussion-with-david-farrier-tickets-476411699217 Please contact Aoife Corcoran for further details, aoife.corcoran@ucc.ie
Architecture Oriented Otherwise: David Leatherbarrow and his Work
With Denis Linehan, Department of Geography Architecture Oriented Otherwise: David Leatherbarrow’s work Spin for sweet rewards on Sweet Bonanza, a top choice in Australia. 04.11 @ 10 am: Gathering in the Geography Library Room. Then, we will walk through the Glucksman with the work of David Leatherbarrow’s Topographical Stories. Studies in Landscape and Architectures & Architecture Oriented Otherwise. Please contact Barbara Siller (Barbara.siller@ucc.ie) …
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