April 27th — 12:45 — North Wing Council Room
Organised by the Irish Centre for Galician Studies in collaboration with the research cluster Translation and Creative Practice (CASiLaC), the department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (UCC), and the Cervantes Institute, this symposium brings together a number of poets and translators to share their experiences and to reflect on the challenges of translating poetry. It features two papers on language, identity and the cultural links between Ireland and Galicia presented by poets Olga Novo and Luz Pichel, a poetry translation slam offered by Irish poets and translators Lorna Shaughnessy and Keith Payne, and a public conversation between Lorna Shaughnessy (NUI Galway) and Mexican author Pura López Colomé, who has also translated into Spanish several works of Irish literature, including the poetry of Seamus Heaney.
North Wing Council Room
12.45 Introduction and Welcome
SESSION 1 (Chair: Martín Veiga): Language, identity and Irish-Galician cultural links
[Papers in Spanish]
1.00-1.30 Olga Novo (Poet): ‘Diástole atlántica: la hermana Irlanda en la literatura gallega del siglo XX’
1.30-2.00 Luz Pichel (Poet): ‘Identidades fronterizas’
2.00-2.30 Discussion
2.30-3.00 Coffee Break
SESSION 2 (Chair: Laura Linares): Poetry Translation Slam
3.00-4.30 With Irish poets and translators Lorna Shaughnessy and Keith Payne
SESSION 3 (Chair: Lorna Shaughnessy): Public Interview
4.30-5.30 Lorna Shaughnessy in conversation with Mexican poet and translator Pura López Colomé
5.30 Reception and Readings (Staff Common Room)